|  |
| | A/D | Analog-Digital-Umsetzung | AAL1 | ATM Adaptation Layer Type 1 | AAL | ATM Adaptation Layer | ABR | Available Bit Rate | AC | Alternating current | ACK | Acknowledgement | ACO | Alarm Cut-Off | ACR | Available Cell Rate | ADo | Anschlußdose | ADPCM | Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation | ADSL | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line | AFuG | Amateurfunkgesetz | AHFG | ATM-attached Host Functional Group | AII | Active Input Interface (Used in UNI PMD specs for Copper/Fiber) | AIM | ATM Inverse Multiplexer | AIS | Alarm Indication Signal (UNI Fault Management) | AM | Amplitudenmodulation (Modems) | AMI | Alternate Mark Inversion | AMPS | Advanced Mobile Phone System | AMS | Automatischer Mehrfachschalter | ANIS | Analoger Anschluß an ISDN-Vermittlungsstelle | ANS | ATM Name Service | ANSI | American National Standards Institute | ANSI | American National Standards Institute | AOC-D/-E | Advice of Ccharge | AOI | Active Output Interface (Used in UNI PMD specs for Copper/Fiber) | AP | Aufputz | API | Application Program Interface (Software-Schnittstelle) | API | Applications Programming Interface |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network |
AS | Anrufsucher |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASCII | American Standard for Information Interchange |
ASL | Anschlußleitung |
ASN.1 | Abstract Syntax Notation One |
ASN | Abstract Syntax Notation One |
AT | Attention (Zeilenanfang von Modembefehlen) |
ATB | Amtliches Telefonbuch |
ATE | ATM Terminating Equipment (SONET) |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode (Netzwerkprotokoll) |
ATMARP | ATM Address Resolution Protocol |
ATMF | ATM Forum |
ATU-C | ADSL Tranceiver Unit - Central Office, ADSL Übertragungseinheit |
ATU-R | ADSL Transceiver Unit - Remote (ADSL-Modem beim Kunden) |
AUI | Attachment Unit Interface (externer Netzwerk-Adapter) |
AUI | Attachment Unit Interface |
AVON | Amtliches Verzeichnis der Ortsnetzkennzahlen |
AVSSCS | Audio-Visual Service Specific Convergence Sublayer (ATM Forum) |
AWADo | Automatische-Wechselschalter-Anschluß-Dose |
AWG | American Wire Gauge |
| |
B-HLI | Broadband High Layer Information |
B-ICI | Broadband Inter-Carrier Interface |
B-ISDN | Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network |
B-ISSI | Broadband Inter-Switching System Interface |
B-ISUP | Broadband Integrated Services User Part |
B-LLI | Broadband Low Layer Information |
B2 | Mobilfunknetz der Telekom |
B8ZS | Bipolar 8 Zero Substitution |
B | Bearer (64Kbps DS-0 Channel) |
BAPT | Bundesamt für Post und Telekommunikation |
BBz | Baubezirk |
BD | Battery On Discharge |
BECN | Backwards Explicit Congestion Notification |
BER | Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1) |
BER | Bit Error Rate, Bitfehlerhäufigkeit |
BGP | Border Gateway Protocol |
BIP | Bit Interleaved Parity |
BIPV | Bit Interleaved Parity Violation |
BIS | Border Intermediate System (ATM Forum, PNNI SWG) |
Bit | Kleinste Informationseinheit, Wert = 0/1 bzw. Nein/Ja |
BITS | Building Integrated Timing Supply |
BK | Breitbandkommunikation (u.a. Kabelfernsehen) |
BOC | Bell Operating Company (or RBOC) |
BOM | Begining of Message |
BOOTP | Bootstrap Protocol |
BPDU | Bridge Protocol Data Unit |
bps | Bits per second, Bit/s |
bps | bits per second |
BRAS | Broadband Remote Access Server |
BRI | Basic Rate Interface |
BSC | Base Station Controller |
BSP | Bell System Practice |
BSS | Broadband Switching System |
BT | Burst Tolerance |
Btx | Bildschirmtext |
Bu | Buchungsstelle |
BUS | Broadcast Unknown Server |
Byte | Gruppe von 8 Bits, kann 1 Zeichen darstellen |
BZT | Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekomunikation |
| |
C | Mobilfunknetz der Telekom |
CAC | Connection Admission Control |
CAD/CAM | Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing |
CAP | Customer Administration Panel |
CAP | Carrierless Amplitude and Phase Modulation |
CAPI | Common Application Program Interface (ISDN) |
CATV | Community Antenna TeleVision or CAble TeleVision |
CBR | Constant Bit Rate |
CCBS | Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber |
CCEI | Centre de communication et d'Essais International |
CCIF | Comité consultatif international des télécommunications grandes distance (Zwischenstaatlicher beratender Ausschuß für den Fernsprechverkehr) |
CCIR | Comité consultatif international des radiocommunications (Zwischenstaatlicher Ausschuß für den Funkdienst) |
CCITT | Comité consultatif international télégraphique et téléfonique (jetzt ITU-T) |
CCS | Common Channel Signaling |
CCSS7 | Common Channel Signaling System 7 |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
CDO | Community Dial Office or Codial Office |
CDV | Cell Delay Variation |
CDVT | Cell Delay Variation Tolerance |
CEC | Common Equipment Card |
CEI | Connection Endpoint Identifier (UNI 3.0) |
CEMF | Counter EMF Cells |
CEPT | Konferenz der europäischen Post- und Fernmeldeverwaltungen |
CER | Cell Error Ratio |
CES | Circuit Emulation Service |
CHAP | Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol |
CI | Congestion Indicator |
CIP | Classical IP over ATM |
CIR | Committed Information Rate |
CIX | Commercial Internet Exchange |
CLIP | Calling Line Identification Presentation (Rufnummernanzeige) |
CLIP | Classical IP |
CLP | Cell Loss Priority |
CLR | Cell Loss Ratio |
CLS | Connectionless Service |
CMIP | Common Management Information Protocol |
CMIS | Common Management Information Service |
CMISE | Common Management Information Service Element |
CMYK | Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black |
CNR | Complex Node Representation (ATM Forum, PNNI SWG) |
CO | Central Office |
CO | Connection-Oriented |
Codec | Coder/Decoder |
COM | Communication port (serielle Schnittstelle) |
CPCS | Common Part Convergence Sublayer |
CPE | Customer Premise Equipment |
CPI | Common Part Indicator |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check (Prüfsummenverfahren) |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
CRF(VC) | Virtual Channel Connection Related Function |
CRF(VP) | Virtual Path Connection Related Function |
CRF | Cell Relay Function |
CRS | Cell Relay Service |
CS | Convergence Sublayer |
CSMA/CD | Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection |
CSMA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access (Netz-Kollisionserkennung) |
CSMA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access |
CSU | Channel Service Unit |
CT | Cordless Telephone (Schnurlostelefon, Standards CT1, CT1+, CT2) |
CTD | Cell Transfer Delay |
CTI | Computer Telephony Integration (Telefonie-Anwendungen) |
CVSD | Continuously Variable Slope Delta modulation |
| |
DÜE | Datenübertragungseinrichtung (Modem) |
D-AMPS | Digital-Advanced Mobile Phone Service |
D/A | Digital to analog conversion |
D/A | Digital-Analog-Umsetzung |
D1 | GSM-Mobilfunknetz der Telekom |
D2 | GSM-Mobilfunknetz von Mannesmann Mobilfunk |
D | Delta (Q3B+D) |
DA | Doppelader |
DAC | Dual Attached Concentrator |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
DAS | Dual Attached Station |
DAT | Digital Audio Tape |
Datex-J | Datex Jedermann (=Btx) |
Datex-L | Datex mit Leitungsvermittlung |
Datex-M | Datex MAN |
Datex-P | Datex mit Paketvermittlung |
Datex | Data exchange |
dB | Decibel |
dBrnC | Weighted Electrical Noise |
DC | Direct Current |
DCC | Data Country Code |
DCS-1800 | Digital Communications System |
DE | Discard Eligibility |
DECT | Digital European Cordless Telecommunications |
DECT | Digital European Cordless Telephone |
DEE | Datenendeinrichtung (Computer, Terminal) |
DES | Destination End System |
DFÜ | Datenfernübertragung |
DFA | Distribution Fuse Alarm |
DFS | Deutscher Fernmeldesatellit (Kopernikus) |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (für dynam. IP-Adr.) |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol |
DIP | Dual In-Line Package Switch |
DIV | Digitale Vermittlungstechnik |
DIVA | DIV Auslandsebene |
DIVF | DIV Fernebene |
DIVO | DIV Ortsebene |
DLC | Data Link Control |
DLCI | Data Link Connection Identifier |
DLL | Dynamic Link Library, Windows-Bibliotheksdatei |
DMA | Direct Memory Access |
DMS | Digital Multiplex System |
DNID | Data Network IDentification number |
DNS | Domain Name Service |
DNS | Domain Name System (Namensvergabe in IP-Netzwerken) |
DOS | Disk Operating System (MS-DOS, PC-DOS) |
DPL | Digital Power Line (1 MBit/s auf 230-V-Leitungen) |
DQDB | Distributed Queue Dual Bus |
DS-0 | Digital Signal (Level 0) |
DS-1 | Digital Signal (Level 1) |
DS-3 | Digital Signal (Level 3) |
DSAP | Destination Service Access Point |
DSL | Digital Subscriber Line |
DSLAM | Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer |
DSR | Data Set Ready |
DSS1 | Protokoll von Euro-ISDN |
DSS | Digital Subscriber Service (DSS1=Euro-ISDN) |
DSSS | Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (bei Funk-LANs) |
DSt | Dienststelle |
DSU | Data Service Unit |
DSX | Digital Service Cross-Connect |
DT | Direktion Telekom |
DTE | Data Terminal Equipment |
DTL IE | Designated Transit List Information Ethernet |
DTL | Designated Transit List |
DMT | Discrete Multi Tone, Vielträgermodulationsverfahren |
DTMF | Dual Tone Multi Frequency (Mehrfrequenzverfahren) |
DTMF | Dial Tone Multiple Frequency |
DSLAM | Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer |
DVD | Digital Video Disc. |
DVMA | Direct Virtual Memory Access |
DWDM | Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing |
DXI | Data Exchange Interface |
DXI | Digital Exchange Interface |
| |
E&M | Earth & Magnet |
E-1 | European (Signal Level 1) |
E-3 | European (Signal Level 3) |
E1 | PCN-Mobilfunknetz von E-Plus |
EAZ | Endgeräte-Auswahlziffer (ISDN-1TR6) |
ECM | Error Correction Mode |
ECM | External Configuration Model |
ECT | Explicit Call Transfer (Vermitteln bei ISDN) |
EDFG | Edge Device Functional Group (ATM Forum, MPOA SWG) |
EDGE | Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EEPROM | Electric Ereasable Progamable ROM (elektrisch löschbares Read-Only-Memory) |
EFCI | Explicit Forward Congestion Indication |
EFCN | Explicit Forward Congestion Notification |
EGC | Enhanced Group Call (Inmarsat-C) |
EGP | External (Exterior) Gateway Protocol |
EISA | Extended Industry Standard Architecture |
ELAN | Emulated LAN (ATM Forum LANE) |
EMD | Edelmetallmotordrehwähler |
EMI | ElectroMagnetic Interface |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference |
EMS | Element Management System |
ENID | EGC network ID (Inmarsat-C) |
EOM | End of Message |
EPRCA | Enhanced Proportional Rate Control Algorithm |
EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory |
EPROM | Ereasable Progamable ROM (mit UV-Licht löschbares Read-Only-Memory) |
EQL | Equilization |
ER | Explicit Rate |
ER | Externer Rechner (bei Datex-J) |
ES | Erred Seconds |
ESCON | Enterprise Systems CONnection |
ESF | Extended Super Frame |
ESI | End System Identifier |
ESN | Electronic Serial Number |
ESS | Electronic Switching System |
ETACS | Extended Total Access Communications System |
ETSI | European Telecommunication Standards Institute |
EVZ | Endverzweiger |
EWS | Elektronisches Wählsystem |
EWSA | Elektronisches Wählsystem analog |
EWSD | Elektronisches Wählsystem digital |
EWSM | Elektronisches Wählsystem Metropolitan Area Network |
EWSO | Elektronisches Wählsystem Ortstechnik |
| |
FA | Fernmeldeamt |
FA | Fuse Alarm |
FAG | Fernmeldeanlagengesetz |
FCAPS | Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
FCS | Frame Check Sequence |
FCS | Frame Checksum (Rahmenprüfsumme, vgl. CRC) |
FCVC | Flow Controlled Virtual Circuit |
FD | Frame Discard |
FDDI | Fiber Distributed Data Interface (Glasfasernetz) |
FDDI | Fiber Distributed Data Interface |
FDM | Frequency Division Multiplex |
FDMA | Frequency Division Multiple Access (Mehrkanalbetrieb) |
FEA | Functional Entity Action (UNI 3.0, C.3.2.3) |
FeAp | Fernmeldeapparat |
FEBE | Far End Block Error (SONET) |
FEC | Forward Error Correction |
FECN | Forward Explicit Congestion Notification |
FeTAp | Fernsprechtischapparat |
FeWAp | Fensprechwandapparat |
FEXT | Far End Crosstalk - Übersprechen am fernen Ende |
FG | Functional Group (ATM Forum, MPOA SWG) |
FGD | Frame Ground |
FHSS | Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (bei Funk-LANs) |
FIFO | First-In, First-Out buffer (z.B. bei COM-Ports) |
FIFO | First-In, First-Out |
FM | Frequenzmodulation |
FO | Fiber Optics |
FQ | Fair Queuing |
FR-SSCS | Frame Relay Service Specific Convergence Sublayer |
FR | Frame Relay |
FSK | Frequency Shift Keying (Modems) |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
FTZ | Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamt |
FUD | Fear Uncertainty Doubt |
FUNI | Frame based User-to-Network Interface (ATM Forum) |
| |
G | Abkürzung für "Giga", 1 Milliarde, z.B. 1 GHz = 1000 MHz |
GAN | Global Area Network |
GAP | Generic Access Profile |
GB | GigaByte |
GbAnz | Gebührenanzeiger |
GBI | Gebührenimpuls |
Gbps | Gigabit per second |
GCRA | Generic Cell Rate Algorithm |
GDT | Generaldirektion Telekom |
GFC | Generic Flow Control |
GKS | Geschäftskunden-Service |
GMSK | Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GSM-Modulation) |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time (Weltzeit, wie UT) |
GOSIP | Government OSI Protocol |
GPRS | General Packet Radio Service (in GSM-/UMTS-Netzen) |
GPRS | General Packet Radio Service for GSM networks |
GPS | Global Positioning System (Satelliten-Navigationsdienst) |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communication |
GSM | Global System for Mobile communications |
GSM | Group Special Mobile |
GSM | Groupe Speciale Mobile |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
GW | Gruppenwähler |
| |
HBFG | Host Behavior Functional Group (ATM Forum, MPOA SWG) |
HDLC | High speed Data Link Control |
HDLC | High-Performance Data Link Control |
HDSL | High Bitrate Digital Subscriber Line |
HDTV | High Definition Television |
HDW | Hebdrehwähler |
HEC | Header Error Check |
HEC | Header Error Control |
HEX | Hexadezimal, Zahlensystem mit Basis=16; Ziffern 0-9 und A-F |
HF | High Frequency |
HLS | Hue-Lightness-Saturation |
HPPI | High Performance Parallel Interface |
HSCSD | High Speed Circuit Switched Data |
HSCSD | High-Speed Circuit Switched Data (in GSM-Netzen) |
HSSI | High Speed Serial Interface |
HTML | Hyper-Text Markup Language |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
HTTP | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol |
HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
HV | High Voltage |
HVStW | Hauptvermittlungsstellenwähler |
HVt | Hauptverteiler |
Hz | Hertz, Schwingungen pro Sekunde |
| |
I&R | Installation And Repair |
I-PNNI | Integrated PNNI |
I/O | Input/Output |
IAB | Internet Activities Board |
IAE | ISDN-Anschluß-Einheit |
IANA | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority |
IASG | Internetwork Address Sub-Group (ATM Forum, MPOA SWG) |
IBSG | Internetwork Broadcast Sub-Group (ATM Forum, MPOA SWG) |
IBUFG | Internetwork Broadcast/Unknown Functional Group (ATM Forum, MPOA SWG) |
IC | Integrated Circuit |
ICFG | IASG Coordinating Function Group (ATM Forum, MPOA SWG) |
ICI | Inter-Carrier Interface |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
ICT | Implicit Call Transfer (ISDN-Vermitteln durch Halten/Auflegen) |
IDN | Integrated Digital Network |
IDP | Initial Domain Part |
IDPS | Inmarsat Data Packet Service |
IDRP | Inter-Domain Routing Protocol |
IDSL | ISDN Digital Subscriber Line |
IDU | Interface Data Unit (UNI 3.0) |
IE | Information Element |
IEC | Inter-Exchange Carrier |
IEE | Institution of Electrical Engineers |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers |
IESG | Internet Engineering Steering Group |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
IGMP | Internet Group Management Protocol |
IGP | Internal (Interior) Gateway Protocol |
IGRP | Internal (Interior) Gateway Routing Protocol |
IISP | Interim Inter-Switch Signaling Protocal (P-NNI Phase 0) |
ILMI | Interim Local Management Interface |
IMT-2000 | International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 |
IN | Intelligent Net (z.B. Service 130 etc.) |
IN | Intelligent Network |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPI | Intelligent Peripheral Interface |
IPX/SPX | Internet Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packed Exchange |
IR | Infra-Red Controller |
IS-IS | Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
ISOC | Internet Society |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
ISSI | Inter-Switching System Interface |
ITU-T | International Telecommunications Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
IWF | Inter-Working Function |
IWV | Impulswählverfahren |
IXC | Inter eXchange Carrier |
| |
JPEG | Joint Pictures Experts Group |
| |
k | Abkürzung für die Zahl 1000, z.B. 1 kHz = 1000 Hz |
K | Abkürzung für die Zahl 210 = 1024, z.B. 1 KBit = 1024 Bit |
KHz | Kilohertz |
KVA | Kilovoltampere |
KVSt | Knotenvermittlungsstelle |
KVStW | Knotenvermittlungsstellenwähler |
KVZ | Kabelverzweiger |
KW | Kilowatt |
KWh | Kilowattstunden |
| |
LAN | Local Area Network (lokales Netzwerk) |
LANE | LAN Emulation (ATM Forum) |
LAP-B | Link Access Protocol-Balanced |
LAP | Link Access Protocol (Übertragungsprotokoll) |
LAPB | Link Access Protocol B-Channel |
LAPD | Link Access Protocol D-Channel |
LATA | Local Access Transport Area |
LBL | Lawrence Berkeley Labs |
LBO | Line Build Out |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
LCD | Loss of Cell Delineation |
LCT | Last Compliance Time (used in GCRA definition) |
LE | Link Encapsulation |
LEC | LAN Emulation Client or Local Exchange Carrier |
LEC | Local Exchange Carrier |
LECS | LAN Emulation Configuration Server |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LENNI | LAN Emulation NNI |
LES | LAN Emulation Server |
LES | Land Earth Station (Satelliten-Erdfunkstelle) |
LGN | Logical Group Node (ATM Forum, PNNI) |
LIFO | Last-in, First-Out | |
LIS | Logical IP Subnet |
LLC/SNAP | Logical Link Control/Subnetwork Access Protocol |
LLC | Logical Link Control |
LOF | Loss of Frame |
LOP | Loss of Pointer |
LOS | Loss of Signal |
LPC | Linear Predictive Coding (GSM-Sprachkompression) |
LPT | Line PrinTer port (Parallel-Port für Druckeranschluß) |
LRF | Little Rubber Feet |
LRU | Last recently used (Cache-Strategie) |
LSB | Least Significant Bit |
LTE | Line Terminating Equipment |
LUNI | LAN Emulation UNI |
LV | Low Voltage |
LW | Leitungswähler |
| |
M | Abkürzung für 1 Million, manchmal auch 220 = 1.048.576 |
MAC | Media Access Control (Netzwerk-Schnittstelle) |
MAN | Metropolitan Area Network (Stadtnetz) |
MARS | Multicast Address Resolution Server (Draft IETF-IPATM-IPMC-04) |
MAU | Medium Attachment Unit (IEEE 802.3) |
MAU | Multistation Access Unit (IEEE 802.5) |
MBONE | Multi-Media Backbone |
Mbps | Megabits (millions of bits) per second |
MBS | Maximum Burst Size |
MCC | Maintenance Control Center |
MCR | Minimum Cell Rate |
MCS | Multicast Server |
MDF | Main Distribution Frame |
MES | Mobile Earth Station (mobile Satelliten-Anlage) |
MExE | Mobile Station Application Execution Environment |
MFV | Mehrfrequenzcode-Wählverfahren |
MHC | Modified Huffman Code |
MIB | Management Information Base |
MID | Message IDentifier |
MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions |
MJPEG | Motion JPEG |
MM | Multi-Mode |
MMF | MultiMode Fiber |
MMR | Modified Modified Read |
MNP | Microcom Networking Protocol |
MPC | MPOA Client |
MPEG | Motion Picture Experts Group |
MPLS | Multi-Protocol Label Switching |
MPOA | MultiProtocol Over ATM |
MPS | MPOA Server |
MRC | Modified Read Code |
MSA | Metropolitan Statistical Area |
MSB | Most Significant Bit |
MSC | Mobile Switching Center |
MSN | Multiple Subscriber Number (ISDN-Rufnummer) |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failure |
MTBO | Mean Time Between Outages |
MTSO | Mobile Telephone Switching Office |
MTSR | Mean Time To Service Restoral |
MTTR | Mean Time To Repair |
MTU | Maximum Transfer Unit |
| |
NAM | Number Assignment Module |
NAU | Network Access Unit |
NAUN | Nearest Available Upstream Neighbor |
NBMA | Non-Broadcast Multiple Access |
NC | Normally Closed |
NCC | Network Control Center |
NDIS | Network Device Interface Specification |
NE | Network Element |
NEBS | Network Equipment Building Spec |
NEMA | National Electrical Manufacturers Association |
NetBEUI | NetBIOS Extended User Interface |
NetBIOS | Network Basic Input/Output System |
NEXT | Near End Crosstalk - Übersprechen am nahen Ende |
NHRP | Next Hop Resolution Protocol |
NHS | Next Hop Server |
NIC | Network Information Center (vergibt Internet-Domains) |
NICNAME | Network Information Center Name Service |
NIU | Network Interface Unit |
NIWF | Network Interworking Function |
NLPID | Network Layer Protocol ID |
NM | Network Management |
NMCC | Network Management Control Center |
NME | Network Management Entity |
NML | Network Management Layer |
NMS | Network Management Station |
NMT | Nordic Mobile Telephone |
NMVT | Network Management Vector Transport |
NNI | Network-to-Network Interface |
NO | Normally Open |
NRZ | Non-Return to Zero |
NRZI | Non-Return to Zero Inverted |
NSAP | Network Layer Service Access Point |
NSF | National Science Foundation Network |
NSt | Nebenstelle |
NStAnl | Nebenstellenanlage |
NT | Network Termination (ISDN) |
NT | Network Termination (ISDN-Hausanschluß) |
NTA | Network Termination Analog; siehe PPA |
NTBA | Network Termination Basis Anschaltung |
NTSC | National Television Standards Committee |
| |
OAM | Operations, Administration, and Maintenance |
OBEX | Object Exchange |
OC-n | Optical Carrier-n |
OCA | Over Current Alarm |
OCC | Other Common Carriers |
OCD | Out-of-Cell Delineation (UNI 3.0 Section |
ODI | Open Data Link Interface |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
ON | Ortsnetz |
ONA | Open Network Architecture |
ONKZ | Ortsnetzkennzahl |
OOF | Out of Frame |
OOS | Out of Service |
OPAL | Optische Anschlußleitung |
OS | Operating System |
OSI | Open Standards Interface (ISO-Schichtenmodell) |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnect |
OSP | Outside Plant |
OSPF | Open Shortest Path First |
OUI | Organizationally Unique Identifier (RFC 1483) |
P-NNI | Private Network-to-Network Interface or Private Network Node Interface |
PABX | Private Automatic Branch Exchange (Nebenstellenanlage) |
PAD | Packet Assembly/Disassembly (Datex-P) |
PAL | Phase Alternating Line |
PAP | Password Authentication Protocol |
PBX | Private Branch Exchange |
PC | Priority Control |
PCB | Printed Circuit Board |
PCM | Pulse Code Modulation (ISDN-Sprachcodierung) |
PCN | Personal Communications Network |
PCR | Peak Cell Rate |
PCS | Personal Communications Service |
PD | Propagation Delay |
PDC | Personal Digital Cellular |
PDH | Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy |
PDSC | Power Distribution Servicing Cabinet |
PDU | Packet Data Unit |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit |
PGL | Peer Group Leader (ATM Forum, PNNI) |
PID | Persönlicher Informationsdienst |
PID | Protocol IDentifier |
PING | Packet INternet Groper |
PIP | Picture-In-Picture |
PKS | Privatkunden-Service |
PKV | Privatkunden-Vertrieb |
PLC | Power Line Communication (2 MBit/s über 10-/20-kV-Leitung) |
PLCP | Physical Layer Convergence Protocol |
PLL | Phase Locked Loop |
PM | Physical Medium |
PMD | Physical Medium Dependent |
PMP | Point to Multipoint |
PO | Proper Operation |
POH | Path Overhead (SONET) |
POI | Path Overhead Indicator |
POP | Point of Presence (Mail-Protokoll) |
POPS | Points of Presence |
POTS | Plain Old Telephone Service |
PPA | Passiver Prüf-Abschluß |
PPD | Partial Packet Discard |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol |
PPPoA | PPP over ATM |
PPPoE | PPP over Ethernet |
PRI | Primary Rate Interface |
PROM | Programmable Read Only Memory |
PSDN | Public Switched Data Network (Datex-P) |
PSK | Phase Shift Keying (Modems) |
PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network (Telefonnetz) |
PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network |
PT | Payload Type |
PTE | Path Terminating Equipment (SONET) |
PTI | Payload Type Identifier |
PTSE | PNNI Topology State Element (ATM Forum, PNNI) |
PTSP | PNNI Topology State Packet |
PTT | Post, Telephone, and Telegraph |
PTZF | Pan-Tilt-Zoom-Focus |
PUC | Public Utility Commission |
PVC | Permanent Virtual Circuit |
PVCC | Permanent Virtual Channel Connection |
PVPC | Permanent Virtual Path Connection |
PWB | Printed Wire Board |
| |
Q-Factor | Quality for JPEG |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QAM | Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (Modems) |
QoS | Quality of Service |
QPSK | Quadature Phase Shift Keying (Modems) |
| |
RA | Rectifier Alarm |
RAM | Random-Access-Memory (Schreib-/Lese-Speicher) |
RARP | Reverse Address Resoultion Protocol |
RAS | Remote Access Service |
RBOC | Regional Bell Operating Company |
RCA | Radio Corporation of America |
RDI | Remote Defect Indicator (UNI Fault Management) |
RED | Random Early Discard |
RegTP | Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Postwesen |
RF | Radio Frequency |
RFA | Rectifier Failure Alarm |
RFC | Request For Comment |
RFFG | Remote Forwarder Functional Group |
RFI | Request For Information |
RFP | Request For Proposal |
RFQ | Request For Quotation |
RG | Ring Ground |
RGB | Red-Green-Blue |
RIF | Rate Increase Factor |
RIP | Routing Information Protocol |
RM | Resource Management |
RMON | Remote Monitoring |
RNA | Remote Network Access |
ROLC | Routing Over Large Clouds |
ROM | Read-Only Memory |
RPQ | Request for Price Quotation |
RSFG | Route Server Functional Group (ATM Forum, MPOA SWG) |
RSVP | Reservation Protocol |
RTTY | Radio Teletype (Funkfernschreiben) |
| |
SA | Source Address |
SAA | Systems Applications Architecture |
SAAL | Signaling ATM Adaptation Layer |
SAP | Service Access Point |
SAR | Segmentation and Reassembly |
SAS | Single Attached Station |
SC | Stick and Click |
SCP | System control Processor |
SCR | Silicon-Controlled Rectifier |
SCR | Sustainable Cell Rate |
SCSI | Small Computer Systems Interface |
SCT | Same Clock Timing |
SDH | Synchronous Digital Hierarchy |
SDLC | Synchronous Data Link Control |
SDSL | Symmetric Single - pair High - bitrate Digital Subscriber Line |
SDU | Service Data Unit |
SEAL | Simple and Efficient Adaptation Layer |
SECAM | Sequential with Memory |
SECB | Severly Errored Cell Block |
SEL | Selector | |
SES | Severely Errored Seconds |
SF | Single Frequency |
SF | Switch Fabric |
SFD | Start of Frame Delimiter |
SI | Status Indicator |
SIM | Subscriber Identity Module card |
SIM | Subscriber Identity Module |
SIMM | Single In-line Memory Module |
SIR | Sustained Information Rate |
SLIP | Serial Line IP |
SM | Single Mode |
SMDS | Switched Multimegabit Data Service |
SMF | Single Mode Fiber |
SMS | Selective Multicast Service |
SMS | Short Message Service (in GSM-Netzen) |
SMS | Short Message Service |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
SNA | Systems Network Architecture |
SNAP | Sub-Network (Area Protocol) Attachment Point |
SNDCF | Sub-Network Dependent Convergence Function (ATM Forum, MPOA SWG) |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol |
SONET | Synchronous Optical Network |
SPANS | Simple Protocol for ATM Network Signaling |
SPVC | Soft Permanent Virtual Connection |
SRB | Source Routing Bridging |
SRTS | Synchronous Residual Time Stamp |
SS7 | Signaling System #7 |
SS | Switching System |
SSCF | Service Specific Coordinate Function |
SSCOP | Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol |
SSCS | Service Specific Convergence Sublayer |
ST | Stick and Turn |
STDM | Statistical Time Division Multiplexing |
STE | Section Terminating Equipment (SONET) |
STM | Synchronous Transport Module |
STP | Shielded Twisted Pair (geschirmte verdrillte Leitung) |
STS-n | Synchronous Transport Signal-n |
SVA | Signature componant of AVA/ATV |
SVC | Switched Virtual Circuit |
SVCC | Switched Virtual Channel Connection |
SVPC | Switched Virtual Path Connection |
SynchML | Synchronization Markup Language |
| |
TA | Terminal Adapter |
TACS | Total Access Communications System |
TAE-F | TAE für Fernsprecher |
TAE-N | TAE für alle Endeinrichtungen außer Fernsprecher |
TAE | Telekommunikations-Anschluß-Einheit |
TAPI | Telephony Application Programming Interface |
TAT | Theoretical Arrival Time (used in GCRA definition) |
TAXI | Transparent Asynchronous Transmitter/Receiver Interface |
Tbps | Terabits per second |
TC | Transmission Convergence |
TCA | TeleCommunications Association |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
TCR | Tagged Cell Rate |
TDD | Time Division Duplex (Senden und Empfangen auf einer Frequenz) |
TDM | Time Division Multiplexing |
TDMA | Time Division Multiple Access (Zeitschlitzverfahren) |
TDS | Time Division Switching |
TEI | Terminal End Identifier (interne ISDN-Endgerätenummer) |
TFE | Türfreisprecheinrichtung |
TFTP | Trivial File Transfer Protocol |
TIA | Telecommunications Industry Association |
TIF | Telephone Influence Factor |
TIG | Topology Information Group (ATM Forum, PNNI) |
TkAnl | Telekommunikationsanlage (ISDN-NStAnl) |
TKO | Telekommunikationsordnung |
TLD | Top-Level Domain |
TlnKg | Teilnehmerkennung |
TM | Traffic Management |
TP | Twsted Pair (verdrillte Leitung) |
TS | Telekom Service |
TS | Traffic Shaping |
TTY | Teletype (Telex) |
TUC | Total User Cell count |
TUCD | Total User Cell Difference |
TUNIC | TCP/UDP over Non-existent IP Connections |
TVSt | Teilnehmervermittlungsstelle |
| |
UART | Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter |
UBR | Unspecified Bit Rate |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
ÜP | Übergabepunkt |
UME | UNI Management Entity (used in ILMI Definition) |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunication System |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunications System |
UNC | Universal Naming Convention (z.B. \\Server1\C\Datei.txt) |
UNI | User-to-Network Interface |
UP | Unterputz |
UPC | Usage Parameter Control |
UPS | Uninterruptable Power Supply (deutsch: USV) |
URL | Universal Resource Locator (Internet-Adresse) |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
USITA | United States Independent Telephone Association |
USTA | United States Telephone Association |
USTSA | United States Telecommunications Suppliers Association |
USV | Unterbrechnungsfreie Stromversorgung |
UT | Universal Time (Weltzeit, GMT) |
UTP | Unshielded Twisted Pair (ungeschirmte verdrillte Leitung) |
VA | Voltampere |
VAT | Visual Audio Tool |
VBR | Variable Bit Rate |
VC | Virtual Circuit |
VCC | Virtual Channel Connection |
VCFC | Virtual Channel Flow Control |
VCI | Virtual Channel Identifier |
VCL | Virtual Channel Link (UNI 3.0) |
VDo | Verbinderdose |
VDSL | Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line |
VDT | Video Display Terminal |
VF | Voice Frequency |
VFD | Vacuum Fluorescent Display |
VGA | Video Graphics Array |
VIC | Video Conferencing |
VINCE | Vendor Independent Network Control Entity |
VLAN | Virtual LAN |
VLSM | Variable length Subnet Mask |
VLV | Very Low Voltage |
VNK | Vermittelnder Netzknoten (digitale VSt) |
VoD | Video on Demand |
VoIP | Voice over IP |
VP | Virtual Path |
VPC | Virtual Path Connection |
VPCI | Virtual Path Connection Identifier |
VPI | Virtual Path Identifier |
VPL | Virtual Path Link |
VPN | Virtual Private Network (private Verbindung via Internet) |
VPT | Virtual Path Terminator (UNI 3.0) |
VS/VD | Virtual Source/Virtual Destination |
VS | Virtual Subnet |
VSAT | Very Small Aperture Terminal |
VSt | Vermittlungsstelle |
VTOA | Voice and Telephony over ATM |
VW | Vorwähler |
VxD | Virtual Device Driver (Windows), z.B. VKD=Keyboard-Treiber |
| |
W-CDMA | Wideband Code Division Multiple Access |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAP | Wireless Application Protocol |
WECO | Western Electric Company |
WFQ | Weighted Fair Queuing |
WID | Wireless Information Devices |
WINS | Windows Internet Naming Service (f. NetBIOS über TCP/IP) |
WipLL | Wireless Internet Protocol Local Loop |
WM | Western Modular |
WWW | World Wide Web |
| |
YUV | TV color Scheme | ZG | Zusatzgerät |
| |
ZVStW | Zentralvermittlungsstellenwähler |
ZZF | Zentralamt für Zulassungen im Fernmeldewesen (heute BZT) |
ZZK | Zentraler Zeichenkanal |